• Minor damage may occur, like chipped paint or stucco.
  • The crew does not isolate the work area or cover furniture.
  • The crew does not include detailed floor coverings or provide detailed cleaning of your home or your replaced windows or patio doors.
  • All installations carry a 5-year warranty on any installation defects.
  • If your window currently leaks, a retrofit install may not correct the problem.
  • Blinds may need to be pushed out, or they may not fit back in as they were prior to install.
  • If you cancel after you issue the initial deposit check, you will be liable for product cost.
Your initial deposit check is confirmation that you have read and understood the above.



When considering retrofit installation, you may notice some imperfections.  Keep in mind that we are working with an existing frame area, including walls that may not be leveled. (Reducing imperfections typically would require a new construction install method.) 

Our goal is to make sure your replacement window is leveled for proper operability and is weather-proofed.  There are typically 3 types of window frames we retrofit – aluminum single pane, metal crank outs, and older wood sash windows.  Below are some details of what to expect.

  • Replacement windows will sit on top of your existing frame, reducing window space.  On older metal crank-out style windows, the grinding of metal is required. Broken glass pieces may be left behind and may be hazardous to pets and bare feet. Detailed cleaning by owner may be required.
  • Replacement windows are ordered smaller than your current net opening which allows us to fit the new window in with room to level.  Non-expanding foam is then applied to cover gaps greater than ¼ inch.
  • For interior finish, we use a 1¾ flat trim that is adhered to your new window to hide the old frame and the foam.  Flat trim corners are T-crossed.  A line of white chalk is then run along the flat trim and drywall.
  • On wood sash windows, we only remove the top and bottom sashes and insert a new vinyl block frame window within your existing wood frame.  The only wood typically removed and replaced is a quarter round along the inside of the window frame replaced.  Molding is primer paint ready.



When considering retrofit applications, Paul’s Windows DOES NOT recommend altering window areas with conversions (Photo A), post removals (Photo B), or cut downs (Photo C). Doing so may damage existing paint, drywall, or stucco. All work is rough and will need a detailed finish.

If there are any concerns about the above, please address.