Vista Windows
Quality & High performance with Value
Whether you need to maximize efficiency, beauty and style or just keep it simple, Vista vinyl windows are ideal for new construction and replacment projects.
Every Vista window is custom made to your specifications using quality vinyl and high-performance glass. Vista windows are durable and stylish with features and options that make them the clear choice.

Features & Benefits
Designed for efficiency, beauty & style
- Quality vinyl: 15-point inspection program for quality assurance.
- Efficient design: Multichambered frame and interlocking sash with weather strips provide strength and efficiency.
- Energy-efficient glass: Insulated glass units (dual pane) with a high-performance spacer system. Annealed 3/32 glass is standard.
- User-friendly sash: Effortless locking with easy sliding dual rollers and steady balances. Sliders include a raised track and stop latch.
- Better screens: Standard screen with sturdy corner pulls for easy removal. Screens are not a fall prevention device.
Maximize efficiency, beauty & style
- Enhance any color scheme: CrystalCoat™ exterior color coatings available with white interior.
- Increase energy efficiency: LowE3 performance glass with Argon gas (LE3/Ar) available.
- Improve acoustical properties: Dissimilar glass units with 1/8 and 3/16 glass available.
- Prepare for an emergency: Egress sizes and tempered glass (up to 3/16) available.
- Install flat interior trim: Self-adhesive white vinyl, 1 3/4 inches wide, 1/16 thick.
Types & Styles
Create the greatest views imaginable
Choose from the following windows featuring 3‑1/4‑inch frames and 3/4‑inch insulated glass units. Other geometric and combination windows available.

Grid Patterns
Divide Lites With Style
A variety of between-the-glass aluminum grid options are available. Adding grids may improve energy performance ratings.

Specialty Glass
Add privacy & beauty
A variety of semi-opaque patterned and tinted glass options are available, including the most popular types, Obscure, Rain, and Matte.

Enhance Any Color Scheme
Choose an exterior color to create two-tone windows and doors. The color coating will be applied to the exterior and the interior will remain white, including grids, screens, and other parts if applicable.

Better Screens
Easy to remove from the inside
CrystalView™ screens include a sturdy pull rail and improved-visibility screen mesh that repels water and resists dirt and grime. Standard screens include two corner pulls and a conventional screen mesh.

Auto Lock
Effortless Locking
Latch will retract and engage automatically when closing window.

Large Rollers
Easy Sliding Windows
Dual-brass rollers glide on a raised track. Stainless steel axles included.

Performance Glass
Increase Energy Efficiency
LowE3 performance glass with Argon gas (LE3/Ar) is available and recommended to increase energy efficiency and meet California’s energy requirements, Title 24, Part 6.